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Singing Bowl

Saturday, August 28, 2021

9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Pre-registration required.

A Mindful Life Studio 

697 Valley Street, Suite B4, Maplewood, NJ 07079

  • Suggested Donation $35.00

  • Use the button below to register by emailing me.

  • Retreat will be limited to 8 participants.

Join me for a restful morning of mindfulness and give yourself a mini-retreat to unplug and come into silence and inner stillness. The morning will largely be in silence as we practice guided, silent, and walking meditation. We will have a period rest in a guided body relaxation scan. There will be a Q&A period and time to share about your practice where we will strengthen our skills in mindful listening and speech. The morning is an opportunity to deepen your practices, come together as a community, and to rest in the present moment.

This is an in-person event. To be in person, you must be fully vaccinated (2 weeks after your 2nd vaccine). With changing conditions, masks are now required.

A Mindful Return From Summer Workshop -  In-Person and Zoom Workshops

Jean Vitrano Mindfulness Meditation Teacher

Monday, August 30, 2021

9:00-11:00 am on Zoom

Pre-registration required.

  • $40.00

  • Limited to 16 participants.



Saturday, September 11, 2021

9:00 am - 11:00 am at A Mindful Life Studio 

697 Valley Street, Suite B4, Maplewood, NJ 07079

Pre-registration required.

  • $40.00

  • Limited to 12 participants.

  • Must be fully vaccinated and masked

Last year I brought this workshop back because we didn't know what the fall would like. I am bringing it back again this fall because we will be in yet another transition. We can digest the summer together and set ourselves up to approach whatever comes with as much ease, grounding, compassion, and presence as possible. Let's keep our mind and heart space healthy so that we can meet the fall months maintaining some peace of mind, humor, strength of spirit, and gratefulness. Feel supported by a mindful community as we welcome a new season. ​

Join me for this workshop that will include mindful exercises such as:

  • mindfulness meditation

  • awareness exercises that can help us gain insight about ourselves and our needs this fall

  • strengthening our ability to tend to what we find with compassion and self-kindness

  • tapping into curiosity about ourselves and our aspirations in the midst of uncertainty 

  • remembering gratefulness within it all

To attend in-person, you must be fully vaccinated (2 weeks after your 2nd vaccine). With changing conditions, masks are now required.


photo by tim arterbury VkwRmha1_tI-unsplash

Third Saturday of Every Month

Next Date: Sept 18, 2021

9:00-10:30 am on Zoom

Pre-registration required.

  • $30.00

  • Workshop will be limited to 12 participants.

Mindfulness & Creativity is a continually evolving workshop where we come together in community and see how we can bring the tools of mindful awareness, reflection, and deep inner listening to our creative selves. We will meditate and I will guide you through exercises that invite us into a space of curiosity, kindness, and compassion as we lean into our creative process and honor all of it -- the inspiration, the blocks, the movement and the stuck-ness. Whatever our creative outlet may be, we can explore together and feel the support of a mindful community. Each workshop will be different, evolving based on what questions and discoveries the participants unearth in the previous session.

Join us online for some meditation and mindful reflection. Let's slow ourselves down and gain awareness by leaning in and sharing in a supportive community. You do not need to be an artist by profession to attend! Dabblers and anyone who sees their life as creative (which it is!) are welcome. 


4 Week Series

Wednesdays, Sept. 22, 29, Oct. 6, 13, 2021

11:15 am - 12:00 pm

Pre-registration required.

A Mindful Life Studio

697 Valley Street, Maplewood, Suite B4, NJ 07079

  • $80.00

Why meditate? I can speak from my experience and from witnessing so many others over the years that through meditation practice we become better equipped to handle life’s stresses because we gain more tools in staying in the present, not reacting habitually, realizing when we are losing presence and choosing to return. We become more curious and less judgmental about ourselves and about others because we have greater awareness of what goes on in ourselves and in the world around us. Pausing and being still allows us to see more clearly and compassion for ourselves and for others comes more readily.


For four weeks, I will give the basic instructions, lead you in a guided practice. We’ll have time for observations and questions and then we will practice again. Please reach out if you are interested. At the conclusion of these four weeks, we can find more opportunities for you to sit with a group, if you would like, on a regular basis. Being in community strengthens our commitment and practice. 

This is an in-person event. To be in person, you must be fully vaccinated (2 weeks after your 2nd vaccine). With changing conditions, masks are now required.

Photograph by Emily Feinsod Photography

Jean Vitrano Mindfulness Meditation Bowl and Journal

What's Right For You?
Jean offers 15-minute discovery calls to explore what group, class, or offering is right for you. 

Jean Vitrano, LLC 

Mindfulness Facilitator & Teacher 


A Mindful Life Studio 

697 Valley Street, Suite B4, Maplewood, NJ 07040​

Photographs by Emily Feinsod Photography

© 2025 by JEAN VITRANO LLC. All rights reserved.

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