Jean Vitrano
Mindfulness Facilitator & Teacher
A Mindful Life
Six Week Online Course
--your weekly refuge to practice tools to help you live with greater ease, mindfulness, presence, and joy.

Do you want to meditate, but can't seem to do it on your own?
Do you want to feel more joy?
Do you want to know yourself better, accept yourself more, be your genuine self?
Do you want to be kinder and more compassionate with yourself?
Join Jean Vitrano for the first 6 Week Online Segment of A Mindful Life.
This series gives you the structure to practice the tools you most likely already know will help you to live with more presence, ease, and happiness, but often get pushed aside for later, which rarely comes. Each week for six weeks, you will have access to audio exercises in 1) mindfulness meditation, 2) gratefulness, 3) self-kindness and loving-kindness, 4) Focusing.
This will be your dedicated space to listen to yourself, observe, reflect, and have space to be just as you are. It gives you precious time with yourself to remember what matters to you and to know what is alive in you. When we live from this place, life is so much more rich.
Here's a free preview and introduction to Week 1.